Tuesday 28 June 2011

Chanel Byzance Topkapi Quad

I went to Selfridges on Saturday to check out the Byzance Collection at the Chanel counter, even though there wasn't really anything I liked from the photos I had seen so far.  But as soon as I started swatching the Regard Signé de Chanel in Topkapi, I knew I had to have it.

All four eyeshadows in this quad are incredibly smooth.  My favourite colours are probably the mink and the chocolate.  The gold will take a bit more work to make it look good on my yellow toned skin.

Even though I bought it on Saturday, I still haven't convinced myself to use it yet.  The embossing makes it almost too pretty to use.  But I promised myself I wouldn't buy makeup just for the sake of collecting it - makeup is to be used.  So I will post swatches when I finally bring myself to use this quad.  I've finally swatched it:

 In other news, I asked the sales associate at Chanel when the fall collection will be available at Selfridges.  I was told first week of August, exclusive to Selfridges for two weeks.  Pencil it in in your diary and save up now!

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