Friday 24 June 2011

REN Radiance Perfecting Serum

I have been on a skincare spree lately.  I am more concerned about my skin now as I approach the big 3-0.  Good skin is important as even the most fabulous makeup is not going to look good if you don't have a nice base.

My skin was looking decidedly DULL and a bit grey.  So I tried the REN Radiance Glycolactic mask.  That stuff is magic but I needed something that I can use everyday as well.  So I bought the Radiance Perfecting Serum.

A multi active serum formulated to reboot the skin’s energy cycle, visibly perfect skin tone and leave skin looking energised, radiant and luminous. 

  • Skin looks more energised, radiant, even toned, plumped and healthy
  • Regular use will help reduce the appearance of sun damaged skin and hyperpigmentation
I have been using this every night for 3 weeks, which I think is a fair trial period.  I use one pump of this serum on my face and neck, followed by night cream.  I am loving the smell of everything in the Radiance range I've tried so far.  This serum smells very fresh - like a burst of orange and vitamin C just smacked you in the face.

My skin definitely appear brighter and more glowy in the mornings.  As for more even toned, plumped and reducing hyperpigmentation, I'm not sure as my skin was already plump and reasonably even before I started using this.

I would recommend this to anyone in their 20s/early 30s looking to incorporate a serum in their skincare routine.  This will not prevent/plump up wrinkles but it makes you look better and younger simply because your skin looks more hydrated and alive.

It looks like I'm onto a good thing with the REN Radiance range, so I've just ordered the Resurfacing AHA Concentrate.  I've always been interested in using AHA but have yet to try it.  Stay tuned.


  1. Thanks for the review! been looking all over online for a blogger to post a review, so I appreciate this post. =) def trying it now!


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