Tuesday 21 June 2011

Stila Smudge Pot - Black Cat

Continuing with the Stila haul, I bought a Smudge Pot in Black Cat. Black Cat is a slightly toned down black with silver glitter.

I had heard of smudge pots but didn't really know what they were - the name implies it's a creamy eyeshadow for a smudgey smoky eye look. In fact, smudge pots are designed to be used both as gel liner and as eyeshadow.
As a gel liner, application is more or less the same as MAC Fluidline or Bobbi Brown gel liner. However, the texture after it's dried is a bit different...it feels more powdery and the colour does not look as intense (but that may be just the colour I bought).

left to right: applied with finger, with liner brush, and MAC fluidline

As an eyeshadow, I think it is more special. All you need to do is use your fingers to apply the colour and blend. After it dries, it stays put! I tried a swatch on the back of my hand and kept rubbing over the top of it but nothing would budge. Even the glitter was pretty well behaved!

Initially I was a bit disappointed after only using it as a gel liner but it has redeemed itself as an eyeshadow.

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