Saturday 9 July 2011

Becca Beach Tint in Grapefruit

Becca Beach Tints are cheek stains that are both creamy and gel-like at the same time.  It is hard to explain but you will know what I mean if you have tried it in person.  It's a water-resistant and non-greasy formula, which means it is perfect for summer.

All the colours have fruit names.  I bought Grapefruit because:

  • I love anything coral.
  • I love almost anything grapefruit scented (and this smells delicious).
  • It looks beautiful swatched.

But sadly the stain looks a bit too natural on my cheeks.  Maybe it was my fault for picking this colour, but it seems to show up a lot better when I swatch it than actually on my cheeks (especially so in summer when I have a bit of a tan).  I feel like I need to use quite a bit for it to show up, and even then most of the colour stays on my fingers (a problem I seem to have with cheek stains). 

And annoyingly, the tubes do not have the colour names printed on them.  Even the tester tubes at the counter (although I have seen a counter in Sydney improvise with stickers).  Sometimes you end up having to smell them to find out which colour you're looking at.

So my recommendation is - have a play with them at the counter first and try them on your cheeks.  Grapefruit is a nice colour but will suit those with lighter skin.

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