Saturday 17 September 2011

More Chanel

I know it's been Chanel overload here on the blog but I do love my Chanel.  Right now, the Harrods pop-up counter have some nail polish(es?) and Joues Contrastes that are not normally available at UK counters.

Le Vernis:

  • 73 Violette
  • 179 Gold Shimmer
  • 331 Allegoria
  • 15 Beige Naturel
  • 210 Lilac Sky
  • 471 Ming
  • 159 Fire
  • 469 Imperial

The pinks.  Rose Bronze does look rather nice in this photo.  Maybe I should have bought it?

The peaches/neutrals.  (The colour is not quite right in this photo)

I bought the Candy Joues Contraste and the Ming & Fire nail polishes - will be reviewing them soon.


  1. OMG the third from the left - this white with duochrome.. pink!? I want it, it's so pretty.

  2. Very nice! On another note did you end up getting the tweed nails :)

  3. Yes, I want them all too but my credit card says no.
    I will post a pic of the tweed manicure sometime this week :)


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