Sunday 30 October 2011

Guerlain Ecrin 4 Couleurs in Les Fumés #06

I had a hard time choosing between the Les Fumés and Les Perles Guerlain Ecrin 4 Couleurs.  I finally decided on Les Fumés since it has more neutral shades - I find I reach for these a lot more.

The Guerlain Ecrin 4 Couleurs compact is a lot more simplified compared to the Ecrin 6 Couleurs compact (which is beautiful but a bit overelaborate).  The compact is a polished gold finish which is prone to fingerprints and is scratchable, which is why a velvet pouch is included.

The shade on the left is a satiny soft brown based grey with subtle pink shimmer.

The top matte soft rose shade is my least-used - actually I have yet to use it as I suspect it will look chalky on my lids due to my skintone.   The bottom shade is a satin finish intense brown grey, which I like to line my top and outer bottom lashline with.

The shade on the right is my favourite of the palette - a very shimmery silvery taupe.  I love using this as a highlight at the corners and in the centre of my lids.

I did take a swatch photo but the colours did not really show up (I have been having trouble taking photos for the blog due to the lack of daylight now).  I will post one up as soon as I can.

This is my first Guerlain eyeshadow palette and I love it.

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