Saturday 28 January 2012

Chanel 2012 Spring Collection Harmonie de Printemps

The Chanel Spring Collection has finally launched in the UK.  I picked up a few things from the collection yesterday - will try to photograph and review them tomorrow if I can find the time.  Now in a mad rush to get dressed and have passport photos done (which is ALWAYS horrible).  Have a lovely weekend


  1. Can't wait to see more if you Chanel haul! :)

  2. It took all my willpower to walk past that April polish today but Chanel HATES my fingers! I've never worn a polish that chips so quickly on me :(

  3. Jess - hopefully there'll be a review post tonight :)

    CherrySue - TBH Chanel doesn't have great staying power for me either. Perhaps I am too rough with my nails or my nail painting skills are not great :/ I only buy/wear it because I love the colours.


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