Monday 20 February 2012

Shiseido Perfect Foundation Brush

I have been truly impressed by Shiseido's Perfect Foundation Brush.  I buy a lot of makeup and skincare products - sometimes I feel indifferent about some products and other times I actually feel quite excited to use it again and again - this brush is of the latter.  The day after I tried it, I couldn't stop telling my friends about it.

The first thing you need to know about Shiseido's Perfect Foundation Brush is that it is tiny.  I had read reviews, seen photos and even seen videos demonstrating how to use the brush, but I was still quite shocked about how small it is.

The brush, like most foundation brushes, is made of synthetic bristles.  What sets this brush apart is that is how dense the bristles are, and the way you apply the foundation.

You can use this brush for any type of foundation, except for water resistant formulas.  I have just started using liquid foundation again and I first spread out a dot of foundation with my fingers before buffing it in with the brush in a circular motion, holding it perpendicular to my face.  Don't dip the brush directly into a blob of foundation - it will absorbed it somehow within the dense bristles.  I have found it is best to concentrate on one area before moving onto the next, as the brush leaves only a very thin layer of foundation on the skin, which sets a lot faster than usual.

Using this buffing motion, it is quite easy to achieve a flawless finish - no brush streaks and no thick patches of foundation.  You can also apply foundation with a dabbing motion if you want a very light coverage but I found this takes much longer than buffing the foundation in.  The angled bristles allow the brush to reach all contours of your face and therefore you don't get any missed areas that only become glaringly obvious in natural light.

This foundation brush is  not (that) expensive at £27, it's easy to use and it's also easy to clean.  Together with Perfection Lumière, this brush is one of my daily staples now. 


  1. I almost got this a few months ago but wondered how it compares to Sigma's f80 brush. They seem to be very similar.

  2. i have had my eye on this. i think i will eventually try it out as it sounds so promising. i heard it was small and when i went to look at it in the store i was still shocked at the tiny brush head haha.

  3. I have this tiny foundation brush myself, but find myself neglecting it a bit lately. I need to try it with my current favorite liquid foundation - the Giorgio Armani Designer Lift. :)

  4. Mercedes - I'm not familiar with Sigma brushes...but the Shiseido is a lot smaller!
    kellyyes - Yes exactly! I knew it was small but was still shocked when I saw it in person.
    Jess - :) What other foundation brushes do you use? Have you done a review of the Armani foundation?

  5. I've been wanting this foundation brush for soooo long. But since I don't really want to spend 30€ on brush, i did look for a dupe and luckily I found one! A really similar by Barbara Hoffmann and only for 14 € ;D
    Btw,love your blog!


  6. I saw this in a Japanese drug store but I passed on this as it was expensive for a mass market product.

  7. Pam - Thank you! Glad you found a good dupe for the brush :)

    Jamilla - I think the price is worth it for the quality & performance. Price-wise it's on par with MAC and Chanel for a foundation brush. But if I saw it in a drugstore at this price point, I'd think it's too expensive as well.

  8. This brush looks amazing! I especially like that the size is smaller. If you haven't tried the Sigma brushes yet, Sylvie, you'll have to do so. I'm quite a fan myself.

  9. I will keep an eye out for them :)

  10. I've heard so many raves about this brush. I definitely never realised it was so small! But I'm sure it works a treat. Thanks for the review :)

  11. sleepandwater - Yup, teeny tiny. But works very well.


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