Thursday 10 May 2012

Lipstick of the day #20 - Dior Addict Lipstick in Jet-Set #544 Croisette 2012 Summer

The Dior Croisette 2012 Summer Collection consists of a lot of lip products. I'm still undecided about the others but my first pick is the Addict lipstick in Jet-Set #544.

Out of all the summer Addict lipsticks, Jet-Set fits in this season's coral trend/theme the best. I felt the other two colours, Palace & Casual Gold are a bit pale for my skintone - I find that I can't wear pale colour as it washes me out completely.

Jet-Set photographed a lot darker than it appears in real life so I had to adjust the photos quite a bit. As with the rest of the Addict range, the colour looks a lot more intense in the bullet than applied due to the sheer glossy formula.

Jet-Set is a gorgeous peachy pink, and contains a bit of shimmer (but it isn't overwhelming). On my pigmented lips, the colour still shows up quite well and suits my tanned/olive skin. Compared with Chanel Flirt, Jet-Set is a softer colour that leans more on the peach side.

I have to say I was apprehensive about which lip product to purchase from this collection, simply because of the huge selection of products. But I am glad I chose Jet-Set - I'm sure it will be one of my most reached-for lipsticks this summer.


  1. I love peach colored lips and Jet Set is gorgeous!

  2. i just bought a coral, beachy colored sheer top & think that jet-set color would be perfect!

  3. Charisse - Me too :) I have a weakness for anything peachy corally!

    MaryBeth - Your top sounds nice! I bought a lot of spring clothes too but haven't been able to wear them - the weather in London has been miserable! Let me know if you end up getting Jet-Set.

    x Sylvie


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