Wednesday 4 July 2012

Chanel Le Vernis in Diwali Bombay Express

Since the Chanel Paris-Bombay Métiers d'Art show back in December last year, I had wanted to get my hands on Diwali and the Nirvana Illusion d'ombre.  Sadly Nirvana never made it into production, so I only picked up Diwali from the Bombay Express collection.  And just as I had suspected, the Route des Indes de Chanel is disappointingly far too gold and sparkly for me.

Gold is a colour that I find very difficult to wear, as I have yellow based skintone - I find wearing gold coloured anything tends to make me look jaundised.  Diwali looked like a pale "silvered-down" gold in the fashion show photos and I wanted to try it immediately.

Diwali is a pale champagne gold with lots of micro shimmer particles - which Chanel is so good at.  As always, the shimmer is more evident in the bottle than when applied.

Initially I thought Diwali and Delight from the summer collection might look almost identical.  But next to each other, you can see Delight takes on more of a rose gold tone and is grittier in texture. 

I found Diwali had a shorter wear time than my other Chanel nail polishes.  However I still love it as it is an unique and flattering colour.


  1. Oh this looks so pretty on your nails! I didn't want to pick it up for pretty much the same reason that you listed..and I am darker skinned I just feel it would look sort of gaudy on me.. Isn't it terribly disappointing Nirvana never made it to production..that was the one I was waiting for..the entire Bombay Express collection was a :((

  2. Sylvie, I like to read your blog and with pleasure I pass on baton of an award of "THANK YOU" to you!

  3. Radhika - I think Diwali is a lovely colour and would be flattering for darker skintones! Yeh I was looking forward to Nirvana but I guess it didn't go into production because it is too close to Mirifique? I wish they will release Illusion d'Ombres without so shimmer - a chocolate brown colour would be wonderful.

    Olga - Thank you :)

  4. That colour is absolutely gorgeous! I've never really been a huge nailvarnish fan but that is immense! definitely going to add it to my list! xxx


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