Sunday 11 September 2011

Coming soon...

Next week's posts: Harrods Exclusives Chanel Poudre Tissée in Brompton Road and Rouge Allure in Hyde Park

Have a nice Sunday :)


  1. This is absolutely gorgeous, mine came in the post today, I also got the Chelsea Glossimer. Tomorrow I'm going to see the exhibition at Harrods.

    Btw I found your blog by googling Chanel Tweed Nails! Please do post pics when you get yours done, I couldn't get an appt to fit round work.

    And you're not the only one in that cannot stand Angel, I totally despise that fragrance!

  2. Glad I'm not the only one!!!

    I will definitely take photos of the Tweed nails...if I end up getting them that is. I have a feeling they will mess up my booking.


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